Faculty Development Resources

Faculty Development Toolkit

Faculty development resources to use at your institutions

The AAIM Faculty Development Work Group has worked with AAIM members to curate faculty development resources that help share best practices and new approaches to help your faculty in their jobs as clinical educators and leaders. Each of the following resources has been peer reviewed and accepted by the AAIM Faculty Development Work Group.

Module 1: Providing Structure to Written Qualitative Feedback: The BOSS Framework

Overview: This guide is intended to help clinical educators provide specific behaviorally-oriented written feedback to resident and fellow physicians. Faculty will recognize the components of effective written qualitative feedback, develop statements for written feedback that employ the BOSS methodology (Brief Observation, Significance, and Suggestions), and assess the quality of written feedback based on the opinions of learners. 

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Module 2: Getting Beyond a Pleasure to Work With: An Evaluation Writing Workshop

Overview: This model is intended to help faculty devise meaningful milestones based on written evaluations.  Teaching staff will be able to identify barriers to effective written evaluations; articulate how written evaluations are integrated into a program; and consider residency evaluations from a Milestones perspective, crafting evaluations that reflect the requirements.  

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Module 3: Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine: Assessment Reasoning Tool

Overview: This compendium will assist faculty assess clinical reasoning oral presentations, providing the assessor with guidance on how to fashion written evaluations through a comprehensive assessment structure which would help shape receptive, open communication between teacher and student.    

Module 4: Thanks for the Feedback: An Educators Guide to Making the Most of Student Evaluations

Overview: This module will review the three common types of learner evaluations that most faculty receive and will discuss the systemic and individual biases that affect the evaluation process. Teaching staff will learn about “feedback triggers”, a variety of ways in which negative reactions can affect an educator’s ability to learn and grow from evaluations. Two handouts are provided to assist faculty objectively and methodically review learner evaluations through algorithmic means and sample cases that can be used in small group exercises.  

Module 5: Clearing the Error: Identifying Trainee Cognitive Bias to Reduce Diagnostic Error

Overview: This module will address how to identify the most common types of cognitive biases displayed by trainees when caring for patients and how to approach providing feedback to the learner on potential bias.  This resource includes pocket cards that define cognitive biases common in clinical learning environments and a summary of the structured approach to feedback. Thereafter, one can analyze case examples to identify the specific cognitive biases at play in each clinical situation and practice providing feedback using the suggested approach. This exercise will help faculty determine how to integrate cognitive bias teaching and feedback into their programs.

Module 6: Teaching Fast and Slow: A Framework and Toolkit for Clinical Reasoning Development on the Wards

Overview: This compendium will highlight the abstract process of clinical reasoning, providing faculty with a framework and language to talk about clinical reasoning.  The module is divided into two parts: the first segment will concentrate on understanding clinical reasoning and diagnosing its deficits, while the second portion will focus on treating those deficits.  This resource will provide tools to seamlessly incorporate clinical reasoning teaching into daily rounds and workflow, improving learning for trainees and advanced practitioners.

Module 7: Teaching Up the Ladder: Strategies for Meeting Your Trainees Clinical Learning Needs at Every Level

Overview: This module provides faculty with the tools to individualize learning for each trainee, as well as guidance on how to tailor lectures and instruction to multiple levels of learners within the complex clinical environment.  This highly-interactive resource, which is presented in a teach-the-teacher format, is divided into two parts: Part 1 will focus on multi-level teacher development, as well as relating characteristics of effective clinical instructors; Part 2 will delve into multi-level teaching techniques, applying these in role-playing scenarios.   

Module 8: You Can Do It Too! How to Show Your Residents’ Value to Your Institution Through Education in Transitions of Care (ToC)

Overview: This guide is intended to assist clinician educators in creating a transition of care (ToC) curriculum. The subsequent materials provide guidance and structure in assisting educators recognize and evaluate the ACGME sub-competencies pertaining to ToC, patient safety, and quality improvement; identify methods and tools to institute a ToC curriculum; compare and contrast best practices in ToC; and discuss barriers to implementing this type of curriculum.